著者:徳永 翔太(九州大学大学院地域社会統合科学府)・秋保 亮太(九州大学人間環境学研究院)
Abstract: Japan has officially changed the rule for voting age lowering from 20 to
18 in 2016. For this reason, a lot of Japanese schools progress the education to be a sovereign like mock voting or debate. However, the education is developed in urban area and there is not much progress in local area where active citizen training is needed.
In this research, we consider the way of community-based citizenship education with reference to “Island’s Treasure Project” of Kamitsushima High School in Tsushima where is designated as the city at risk of disappearing. The project is schemed as community-based citizenship education, which is cooperated by Kyushu University, Tsushima City Government, Kamitsushima High School and Tsushima Commercial and Industry Association. As a result of this survey, it was revealed that community-based citizenship education with emphasis on hearings significantly raised the sense of political efficacy.
Keywords: Community-base, Citizenship Education, local active citizen, political efficacy